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  55. <span class="postTitle">Configuring SSH Keys for Individual Git Commands</span>
  56. <time class="postDate" datetime="2024-10-02">October 2, 2024</time>
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  59. <p><p>When working with Git repositories, you often need to authenticate using SSH keys. While you can configure SSH settings globally, there are times when you need to use a specific SSH key for just one command. This is particularly useful when cloning a new repository or adding a submodule, where there isn&rsquo;t yet a local <code>.git/config</code> file to modify.</p></p>
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  66. <span class="postTitle">Simplifying MVI Architecture</span>
  67. <time class="postDate" datetime="2024-09-27">September 27, 2024</time>
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  70. <p><p>Model-View-Intent (MVI) is a powerful architectural pattern for building user interfaces, especially in Android development. In this post, we&rsquo;ll explore a helper class that simplifies the implementation of MVI, making it easier to manage state, handle user intents, and emit actions in your application.</p></p>
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